RSLV-132 is an Fc fusion protein comprised of catalytically active human RNase fused to human IgG1.  The drug is designed to digest the RNA colecules associated with the autoantibodies that are present in the circulation of patients with autioimmune diseases such as Sjogren’s syndrome and lupus.  A positive phase 2 study has been completed in Sjogren’ syndrome and the program is being advanced in 2024 into a large phase 2b study.  A phase 2a study was completed in lupus with promising results that warrant further study in a larger cohort of lupus patients.

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RSLV-132 in Lupus and Sjögren’s syndrome

Lupus and Sjögren’s syndrome are systemic autoimmune diseases that primarily affect women and occur when the immune system attacks its own body. For lupus, the standard of care has not significantly improved in over 40 years and current treatment options have limited efficacy and serious side effects. There are currently no approved therapies for Sjögren’s syndrome and most treatments focus on temporarily relieving dry eyes and mouth. The defining characteristic of both lupus and Sjögren’s are RNA-containing autoantigens which are maintained in circulation by autoantibodies. RSLV-132 degrades this RNA, thereby preventing ongoing inflammation and associated organ damage.